The terms and conditions of this cover all products sold by website (hereinafter «», «we" or "us") with headquarters in
39 Metaxa street , Glyfada, Athens, Greece and telephone 0030 210-898-0001
The purpose of the Terms and Conditions of Use
The Terms and Conditions of Use of this bring our service commitment basis to its customers and the terms of the contract between the client (you) and our company.
With market integration in accept that you know the following terms and conditions and that all transactions will be conducted with the company will be subject to these terms and conditions only.
The Terms and Conditions of this can not be modified or changed without the written consent of Terms and Conditions, and the policy contained in them, will apply to any communication, relationship and transaction behind you and Any other Terms and Conditions are excluded.
Members of requested to read carefully these terms and make use of its services only if they fully accept. Each client recording / using / visiting presumed to have been aware of the terms of use I accept the bellow, without exception and waive any claim whatsoever arising from his visit to If a member does not agree with these terms must refrain from using the website and any transactions with it. Your registration as a member, implies acceptance of this Agreement and all terms thereof.
These Terms of Use and Transactions at any time without notice to change. These conditions are in the Policies section of Use and Trading of website. The current Terms of Use and Transactions are those in force at the time of your order. Users of the website have the responsibility to periodically check if changes to these Terms of Use have been made. Using website after the above mentioned amendment shall be deemed acceptance of the Terms of Use as modified.
The use of this website each member is at its own risk. The content of website is not and shall in no way be construed as advice, direct or indirect inducement members to take any action. The evaluation of the content of website is at the discretion of each member, which undertakes the responsibility for the use of any part of it. reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of the services without any notice in its sole discretion.
By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you warrant that you are over 18 and that you have the legal capacity to be able to prepare and contribute to legal contracts in the current law. If you do not possess the required conditions, you should not use our services.
The make every effort to present the products of the website with the most accurate way possible. Even though we try to avoid in some cases the information on our website may contain errors or be incomplete. We reserve the right to correct any errors or to change or update information at any time without prior notice. If the product does not meet your expectations you can return it to us always in accordance with our returns policy.
Electronic Communication
When using our website or send us E-mail communicating with us electronically and consent to receive communications from us in the same way. We will contact you either via E-mail or by posting notices on the website. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other written communication will be taken from you.
E-mail Contact via Web
You should not use this website for any unlawful purpose or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions, or to seek enforcement of any illegal activity or other activity which infringes the rights of or others. The can give members the ability to post messages on the website and sending E-mail to others. The not required by law and is not bound to check messages, information or content posted on the site by users and has no responsibility for such content. However, may occasionally monitor postings of the website and possibly refuse not to accept and / or remove postings from the website.
You agree not to use the website to post content or other communications containing (a) political or other unfair, abusive, illegal, inappropriate, false, inaccurate, threatening, abusive, insulting, vulgar, violent, defamatory material or content inciting punishable, (b) advertising of any type, (c) personal information (such as VAT, addresses, birth dates, phone numbers, etc.), (d) confidential information about or partners, (e) spam, chain letters, fake E-mail, contests and promotional material, (f) messages that offer unauthorized use of material subject to copyright or personal information, and (g) information similar or related the above.
In addition to the rights and restrictions set out in these Terms of Use and Trading, should not use this website: a) to send arbitrary commercial E-mails, b) to violate any personal right or property right, c) presenting false information belonging to other users or to use fake E-mail, d) to encroach on any other person registered user of this site or employee, e) engage in illegal activities, or f) to collect or store personal data and information about other users of this site for any reason, z) to upload, post, by e-mail or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, for any reason, causing unlawful attack and damage to or any third party or infringes the confidentiality or secrecy of information of any person; h) to post, publish, send by e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that causes a breach of morality, social values, are minors etc, i) to upload, post, by e-mail or otherwise transmit any content for which users have no right to broadcast in accordance with the law or valid contracts (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements), j) to post, publish, send by e-mail or otherwise transmit any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties, k) to post, publish, send by e-mail or otherwise transmit any Content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt , damage, destruction or equipment in any software or hardware, l) for intentional or unintentional violation of applicable laws or rules, m) for hassle third parties in any way.
You also agree and accept that all members, partners, employees, management, shareholders and other partners not responsible for anything resulting from third parties which use the website, and no responsibility for material with the above-mentioned characteristics, which is derived from third parties and hosted on the website and in no way can be considered the endorses or accepts such content.
The in no case be liable for your communication with third party services which are advertised on the website for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between you.
Furthermore, you agree with this that would indemnify and associates for any legal dispute arising between it and others because of the content upload, post or otherwise transferred through the services of, and if incorrect registration information when you register or update your information and generally in case of any violation of these terms of use. Any use contrary to the above except the attachment or civil and criminal sanctions entail deletion of this content and simultaneously shutting down the account of the member who violates the terms hereof and the service without notice.
If the notified that any content causing material damage or other damage to a third party will cooperate with any police or judicial authority, as defined by law, so as to reveal the identity of any user who publishes or transmits similar material or information
The members undertake that the information submitted in website is complete, correct and accurate, that they comply with the rules of Greek law and especially with the provisions of telecommunications law that they refrain from any illegal and contrary to morality use of the site and that do not violate third party rights of any nature and especially privacy.
If a member cause technical damage to the site or the systems transmitting the site liable for any damage arising from such damage due to fault or negligence of the State, and assume any costs to repair the damage